Standalone Usage


If you are using Resonance framework you don't have to additionally install this package - its already bundled.

You need this page only if you want to use just Swoole Futures - without the remaining Resonance features.

Swoole Futures are bundled with the base Resonance framework, but if you want to install just those, without other Resonance features, you can use:

$ composer require distantmagic/swoole-futures


While Swoole Futures are primarily designed for use within GraphQL resolvers or event listeners, you can also use them independently. You don't need any additional wrappers (besides the Swoole's event loop, of course), as SwooleFuture is a primitive type within the Resonance framework. Here's an example of standalone usage:

<?php use Distantmagic\SwooleFuture\SwooleFuture; use function Swoole\Coroutine\run; // `run` starts Swoole's event loop // // it's not necessary to call this function inside HTTP Resolvers, // GraphQL context nor WebSocket context - all messaging within the framework // is already done in the event loop run(function () { $future = new SwooleFuture(function (int $value) { sleep(1); return 1 + $value; }); // SwooleFuture is asynchronous, but you can immediately use the result. // They work similarily to PHP Fibers (interrupt the code execution and // come back later to the same stack when async operation is done): assert(6 === $future->resolve(2)->result + 3); });

SwooleFuture can only be resolved once.

Attempting to resolve it multiple times will result in an exception.

<?php $swooleFuture->resolve(); $swooleFuture->resolve(); // throws logic exception

About Thenables

SwooleFuture is a "thenable" object that supports chaining. Chained objects are executed sequentially in relation to each other but still asynchronously:

<?php $future1 = new SwooleFuture(function (int $value) { assert($value === 1); return $value + 2; }); $future2 = $future1->then(new SwooleFuture(function (int $value) { assert($value === 3); return $value + 4; })); assert($future2->resolve(1)->result === 7);

The term "thenable" originates from the Promise spec

Catching Errors

When using ' then ', you can specify callbacks for both success and failure scenarios. That allows you to handle errors gracefully:

<?php SwooleFuture::create(function () { throw new Exception(':('); })->then( new SwooleFuture(function () { // This callback is not going to be executed. return 1; }), new SwooleFuture(function (Exception $exception) { var_dump($exception->getMessage()); // ":(" // recovering return 2; }) )->then( new SwooleFuture (int $value) { var_dump($value); // 2 }, new SwooleFuture(function () { // This callback is not going to be executed since // the error has been recovered in the previous step. }), );

That allows you to recover from errors during asynchronous gracefully operations.

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