Accessing Entrypoints in PHP
Example project
Consider this project with TypeScript and CSS files that we'll use as an example throughout this documentation page:
├─ css/
│ ├─ app.css
├─ ts/
│ ├─ controller_homepage.ts
│ ├─ controller_search.ts
│ ├─ common.ts
├─ fonts/
│ ├─ myfont.ttf
app.csscss@font-face { font-family: "myfont"; src: url("../../resources/myfont.ttf") format("truetype"); } body { background-color: red; }
controller_homepage.tstypescriptimport common from "./common.ts"; // some application code // (...)
controller_search.tstypescriptimport common from "./common.ts"; // some application code // (...)
Building the Front-end
To access esbuild entrypoints data in PHP, you must first generate the build metafile.
Let's assume you're building your project using the following command:
shell$ ./node_modules/.bin/esbuild \ --bundle \ --format=esm \ --loader:.ttf=file \ --metafile=esbuild-meta.json \ --outdir=assets \ --splitting \ resources/css/app.css \ resources/ts/controller_homepage.ts \ resources/ts/controller_search.ts \ ;
With this command, your application generates three endpoints:
In addition to these endpoints, esbuild also creates a metafile:
Processing esbuild Metadata in PHP
To refer to entrypoints by their input names (rather than output names), you must parse the esbuild metafile. This ensures you obtain the correct filenames.
If you host your front-end assets on a CDN server, you can simply include the esbuild metafile alongside your PHP code and then load the target files from the CDN.
All the information about entrypoints and their dependencies is available
through the Resonance\
php<?php use Distantmagic\Resonance\EsbuildMetaBuilder; use Distantmagic\Resonance\EsbuildMetaEntryPoints; use Distantmagic\Resonance\EsbuildMeta; $esbuildMetaBuilder = new EsbuildMetaBuilder(); /** * @var EsbuildMeta $esbuildMeta */ $esbuildMeta = $esbuildMetaBuilder->build(__DIR__.'/esbuild-meta.json'); $entryPoints = new EsbuildMetaEntryPoints($esbuildMeta); $entryPointPath = $entryPoints->resolveEntryPointPath('controller_homepage.ts');
By default, $entryPointPath
will point to assets/ts/controller_homepage.js
though the filename may vary depending on your configuration. This is why it's
crucial to be able to refer to your assets using their original filenames.
You can now use the obtained path in your template:
phpecho <<<HTML <script type="module" src="{$entryPointPath}"></script> HTML;