Page Structure

Static pages consist of two parts: Front Matter and Content.

Front Matter

Front Matter is a YAML block placed at the top of a Markdown file. It serves as a list of metadata properties.

We borrowed the concept of Front Matter from Jekyll. However, contrary to Jekyll, Resonance validates all the Front Matter, and you can only use a predefined set of fields specific to Resonance.

For example:

--- layout: dm:document title: Example Document description: This document is about... ---

Supported Fields

Field Type Description
layout string Learn more about Providing Layouts on it's documentation page.
title string Used in <title> tag and when referencing this page from other pages.
description string Used in <meta name="description"> tag and when previewing this page from other pages.
collections (optional) array<page-basename|{ name: string, next: page-basename }> Assign this page to a collection. Collection names can be arbitrary. Resonance supports "primary_navigation" and "documents" collections.

next is used to organize the items order, it tells which other page should follow this one. It does not mean that the next page is immediately next after this one - just that it should be somewhere after this one in the given collection.
content_type (optional) "html" or "markdown" If it's set to "html" then the page content is not parsed, it's forwarded to the layout as-is.
draft (optional) bool If set to true, this page will be ignored by static page generator as if it doesn't exist.
next (optional) page-basename Tells the generator which page is immediately next to this one (if it's a part of a series for example). It should follow the same logic as with <link rel="next">.

In documentation pages it's used to generate previous / next links in a footer.
parent (optional) page-basename Tells the generator which page is higher in hierarchy of documents than this one.

In documentation it's used to generate menus with nested elements.
register_stylesheets (optional) array<string> You can add extra stylesheets to this page. It follows the Asset Bundling (esbuild) rules.

It's also used to generate <link rel="preload"> tags, so you might want to keep stylesheets fine-grained to avoid unnecessary preloads.

Page Basename

page-basename is a string that references another page. The static page generator validates it and then raises an error if the referenced page does not exist or if it's a draft.

Page basename is a relative path to that page without an extension.

For example, let's consider a project like this:

├─ features/
│  ├─
│  ├─

If pages/ is the base directory, then has a page-basename path equal to features/feature_foo, has a basename of homepage, etc.


Depending on what content_type the page has ("html" or "markdown"), you can use either of those.

"html" is not parsed by the static page generator at all (just passed to the layout), so we are going to focus on Markdown instead.

Using "html" content type does not mean that the entire layout is replaced with the given code - just the contents.

The chosen layout decides where to put the static page contents.

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