
Since Resonance supports Doctrine, we recommend using Doctrine's migration tool.

If you want to use some different tools, like, for example, Phinx, you can also learn here how to do so.

Using Doctrine

You need to install doctrine/migrations first, by following their documentation.

To configure Doctrine's migration configuration, you need to create migrations.php in the root of your project:

<?php return [ // leave this file empty if you are OK with Doctrine's defaults // see more at: // https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-migrations/en/3.6/reference/configuration.html ];

Then, the simplest way to configure Doctrine connection parameters is to create migrations-db.php file in the project's root folder and use Resonance's Dependency Injection to obtain the Database Configuration:

<?php require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; defined('DM_ROOT') or exit('Configuration is not loaded.'); use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConfiguration; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnectionPoolDriverName; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DependencyInjectionContainer; return DependencyInjectionContainer::boot(static function ( DatabaseConfiguration $databaseConfiguration, ) { $connectionPoolConfiguration = $databaseConfiguration ->connectionPoolConfiguration ->get('default') ; return [ 'dbname' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->database, 'user' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->username, 'password' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->password, 'host' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->host, 'driver' => match ($connectionPoolConfiguration->driver) { DatabaseConnectionPoolDriverName::MySQL => 'pdo_mysql', DatabaseConnectionPoolDriverName::PostgreSQL => 'pdo_pgsql', DatabaseConnectionPoolDriverName::SQLite => 'pdo_sqlite', }, ]; });

Then you should be able to use php ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations command line tool to manage your migrations.

Using Phinx

Phinx is a popular database migration tool. You can use any migration tool you want. This documentation page provides an example of how to integrate Phinx specifically.

Why Phinx? It's simple, does the job, and is well-maintained.


It's best to install phinx in a directory separated from your application, with its own composer.json, just to avoid getting into dependency hell.

For example, keep your application files in the app folder and Phinx in the tools/phinx directory. You should still commit everything in the repo and branch:

$ composer require --working-dir=tools/phinx robmorgan/phinx

You can also try using Phive to install Phinx instead.


Phinx uses phinx.php configuration file. You can use the Dependency Injection container to fetch the database configuration:

<?php require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'; defined('DM_ROOT') or exit('Configuration is not loaded.'); use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConfiguration; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DependencyInjectionContainer; return DependencyInjectionContainer::boot(static function ( DatabaseConfiguration $databaseConfiguration, ) { $connectionPoolConfiguration = $databaseConfiguration ->connectionPoolConfiguration ->get('default') ; return [ 'paths' => [ 'migrations' => '%%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/migrations', 'seeds' => '%%PHINX_CONFIG_DIR%%/seeds', ], 'environments' => [ 'default_migration_table' => 'phinxlog', 'default_environment' => 'mysql', 'mysql' => [ 'adapter' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->driver->value, 'host' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->host, 'name' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->database, 'user' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->username, 'pass' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->password, 'port' => $connectionPoolConfiguration->port, 'charset' => 'utf8', ], ], 'version_order' => 'creation', ]; });

After you set up the configuration file, you can follow Phinx's instructions on how to set up and invoke migrations.

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