Connection Pools
When your application starts, it automatically creates a pool of connections. When a query is about to be executed, it borrows a connection from the pool. Connection Pool is responsible for rotating and reestablishing those connections.
If any of the connections happen to close for any reason, Swoole reopens them in the background and ensures that the connection pool never becomes depleted.
To simplify the process and eliminate the need for manual borrowing and returning connections to and from the pool, Resonance offers a convenient wrapper, which consists of several tools, for example: Database Queries, Database Entities.
Follow this documentation page for configuration instructions and the following pages for specific use cases.
If you need just one connection pool, you can use the default
namespace in the configuration file
config.iniini; ... [database] default[driver] = mysql default[host] = default[port] = 3306 default[database] = distantmagic default[username] = distantmagic default[password] = distantmagic default[log_queries] = false default[pool_prefill] = true default[pool_size] = 8 ; ...
If you need more (like for read-only database cluster and write-only database cluster), you can add more configuration options:
config.iniini; ... [database] readonly[driver] = mysql readonly[host] = readonly[port] = 3306 readonly[database] = distantmagic readonly[username] = distantmagic readonly[password] = distantmagic readonly[log_queries] = false readonly[pool_prefill] = true readonly[pool_size] = 8 writeonly[driver] = mysql writeonly[host] = writeonly[port] = 3306 writeonly[database] = distantmagic writeonly[username] = distantmagic writeonly[password] = distantmagic writeonly[log_queries] = false writeonly[pool_prefill] = true writeonly[pool_size] = 8 ; ...
Those connection pools are lazy-loaded, which means that they are only going to be established if they are used by the Dependency Injection.
See usage at Database Queries.