Database Queries

Not all versions of Swoole support all PDO drivers.

Swoole 5.1.0 added support for PostgreSQL, ODBC, OCI, and SQLite. Before that version, it only supported the MySQL driver.

If you are using an incorrect Swoole version (that does not support your driver), then database connections will be blocking (synchronous).

Querying the Database

digraph { database_connection [label="DatabaseConnection"]; execute [label="Executes the query"]; pdo_pool [label="PDOPool"]; prepare [label="Prepares the Query"]; pdo_pool -> database_connection [label="Lends a Connection"]; database_connection -> prepare; prepare -> execute; execute -> pdo_pool [label="Returns Connection to the Pool"]; pdo_pool -> pdo_pool [label="Keeps Connections Open"]; }

DatabaseConnection wrapper takes a connection from Swoole's PDO connection pool, and after the query execution, it puts that connection back into the pool.

DatabaseConnection objects are single-use. After executing your query, you have to create a new object if you want to repeat it.

<?php use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnectionPoolRepository; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; /** * DatabaseConnection grabs one connection from the PDO Pool * * @var DatabaseConnectionPoolRepository $databaseConnectionPoolRepository * @var LoggerInterface $logger */ $conn = new DatabaseConnection($databaseConnectionPoolRepository, $logger); // After returning, when $conn is destroyed by the Garbage Collector // database connection is returned back to the pool $conn->prepare('SELECT 2 + 2')->execute();

Using Specific Connection Pool

If you are using multiple connection pools, you need to point out which connection pool you want to use to make the query. For example, if you're going to use "readonly" connection pool:

<?php use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnectionPoolRepository; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; $conn = new DatabaseConnection( $databaseConnectionPoolRepository, $logger, 'readonly' );

Binding Values to Query Parameters

You can use bindValue almost the same way it's used with vanilla PHP PDOStatement::bindValue.

The primary difference is the Resonance's bindValue is chainable:

<?php use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DatabaseConnectionPoolRepository; use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface; /** * DatabaseConnection grabs one connection from the PDO Pool * * @var DatabaseConnectionPoolRepository $databaseConnectionPoolRepository * @var LoggerInterface $logger */ $conn = new DatabaseConnection($databaseConnectionPoolRepository, $logger); $stmt = $conn->prepare(<<<'SQL' INSERT INTO blog_posts ( content, title ) VALUES ( :content, :title ) SQL); $stmt->bindValue('content', 'blog post content'); $stmt->bindValue('title', 'blog post title'); $stmt->execute();

Logging Queries

Queries emit the SQLQueryBeforeExecute event with the SQL code that is about to be executed. It's possible to use this event to log queries (for example, to the console output).

You can learn more about Events on their documentation page.

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