
The console module gives you the ability to add your console commands to the Resonance application.

Resonance uses Symfony Console Component under the hood, with a few caveats.

Generally, you can follow Symfony's Console documentation, but there are a few differences (to integrate Symfony's Console component with Swoole and Resonance):

  1. Commands are registered only by using Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ConsoleCommand attribute (instead of Symfony\Component\Console\Attribute\AsCommand or by manually adding the command to the console application).
  2. All commands are lazy-loaded by default - only their names and descriptions obtained from the #[ConsoleCommand] attribute are loaded immediately. The framework instantiates a command only if you invoke it directly. If you want commands to be loaded immediately, you should add #[Singleton] attribute to the command - you shouldn't, however.
  3. Dependency Injection container creates all the commands and injects singletons into their constructor parameters.
  4. Signal handling is not supported (this is probably going to change in the future).


The basic console command may look as follows. It's registered automatically during the application's bootstrapping phase:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Commands; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ConsoleCommand; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Command; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; #[ConsoleCommand(name: 'hello')] final class Hello extends Command { protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int { $output->writeln('Hello, world!'); return Command::SUCCESS; } }

Then you can use it:

$ php ./bin/resonance.php hello Hello, world!
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