
Authorization determines whether the currently authenticated user or any other actor can perform specific actions within your application. It's a crucial aspect of ensuring that your application operates securely and restricts access appropriately.

In many cases, you'll want to prevent unauthorized users from performing actions like creating, reading, updating, or deleting data.


Authorization in this framework is managed through CrudActionGate (for CRUD operations - Create, Read, Update, Delete) and SiteActionGate objects. These gates should be registered using DecidesCrudAction and DecidesSiteAction attributes, respectively.

For CRUD actions, subjects should be tagged with the CrudActionSubject attribute.

While these authorization gates are essential for enabling some framework features, you can also implement additional authorization mechanisms on top of them or include them within your gates as needed.

Example CRUD Action Gate

digraph { CrudActionGate [label="CrudActionGate"]; Decision [label="Decision"]; Gatekeeper [label="Gatekeeper"]; Gatekeeper -> CrudActionGate [label="Can user X do action Y over subject Z?"]; CrudActionGate -> Decision; }

Let's say you want to control access to blog posts. You can create a BlogPostGate to handle authorization logic:

<?php namespace App\CrudActionGate; use App\BlogPostInterface; use App\Role; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\DecidesCrudAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\CrudAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\CrudActionGate; use Distantmagic\Resonance\CrudActionSubjectInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SingletonCollection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserInterface; /** * @template-extends CrudActionGate<BlogPostInterface> */ #[DecidesCrudAction] #[Singleton(collection: SingletonCollection::CrudActionGate)] readonly class BlogPostGate extends CrudActionGate { public function can( ?UserInterface $user, CrudActionSubjectInterface $subject, CrudAction $crudAction ): bool { return match ($crudAction) { CrudAction::Delete, CrudAction::Update => $this->isAdmin($user), CrudAction::Read => $subject->isPublished() || $this->isAdmin($user), }; } public function isAdmin(?UserInterface $user): bool { return true === $user?->role->isAtLeast(Role::Admin); } }

You can use Gatekeeper in your code to check permissions. For example:

Controllers provide a convenient wrapper around Gatekeeper and CrudActionGate.

<?php use App\BlogPostInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\CrudAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Gatekeeper; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; readonly class MyClass { public function __construct(private Gatekeeper $gatekeeper) {} public function showBlogPost( ServerRequestInterface $request, BlogPostInterface $blogPost, ): string { if (!$this->gatekeeper->withRequest($request)->canCrud($blogPost, CrudAction::Show)) { throw new RuntimeException('You cannot view this blog post'); } return renderBlogPost($blogPost); } }

Example Site Action Gate

digraph { Decision [label="Decision"]; Gatekeeper [label="Gatekeeper"]; SiteActionGate [label="SiteActionGate"]; Gatekeeper -> SiteActionGate [label="Can user X do action Y?"]; SiteActionGate -> Decision; }

For site-wide actions, such as accessing an admin panel, you can create a ShowAdminPanel gate to control access based on user roles:

<?php namespace App\SiteActionGate; use App\Role; use App\SiteAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\DecidesSiteAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SingletonCollection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SiteActionGate; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserInterface; #[DecidesSiteAction(SiteAction::ShowAdminPanel)] #[Singleton(collection: SingletonCollection::SiteActionGate)] final readonly class ShowAdminPanel extends SiteActionGate { public function can(?UserInterface $user): bool { return true === $user?->role->isAtLeast(Role::Admin); } }

You can then use this site action gate with Gatekeeper as follows:

<?php $gatekeeper->withRequest($request)->can(SiteAction::ShowAdminPanel);

Additionally, you can use Site Actions with Responders by applying the Can attribute to your responder:

<?php #[Can(SiteAction::ShowAdminPanel)] final readonly class MyResponder implements HttpResponderInterface { // (...) }

This enables you to control access to specific responders based on your authorization logic.

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