🚀 Build Conversational Apps with Intentt

Session-Based Authentication

Learn how to create basic authentication pages and how to secure your routes with session-based authentication.


In this tutorial, we are going to use the following concepts; you might want to familiarize yourself with the following documentation pages before we start:

Before starting, you should have the basic Resonance project ready. You can learn more at Installation and Requirements. You also might want to read the "'Hello, World' with Resonance" tutorial.

We will need Redis to store user sessions and and SQL database to store users' credentials.

Prepare the users table in your SQL database upfront:

Field Type Description
id int auto increment
role string "user" by default
username string
password_hash string We will use password_verify later to validate the password

Then, add a user with username of test_login and password of


which is a Bcrpyt encrypted string of test). So the login/password pair evaluates to test_login / test.

How Does Session Authentication Work?

This method of authentication uses Sessions to store the information about the authenticated user in the server-side session.

We will set a session cookie in the user's browser with just the session ID and then we will store the information about which user is authenticated in the server-side session - so it's not readable nor modifiable in the browser.

From the user's perspective, it's the standard login and password authentication flow.


User Entity

Let's start with a user role. We do not distinguish permissions based on roles yet, so let's just use a default user role for now:

<?php namespace App; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserRoleInterface; enum Role: string implements UserRoleInterface { case User = 'user'; public function isAtLeast(UserRoleInterface $other): bool { return $this->toInt() >= $other->toInt(); } public function toInt(): int { return match ($this) { Role::User => 1, }; } }

User model that implements framework's UserInterface:

<?php namespace App\DoctrineEntity; use App\Role; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserInterface; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; #[ORM\Entity] #[ORM\Table('users')] final readonly class User implements UserInterface { #[ORM\Id] #[ORM\Column(type: 'integer')] #[ORM\GeneratedValue] private int $id; #[ORM\Column(name: 'role', type: 'string', enumType: Role::class)] private Role $role; #[ORM\Column] private string $username; #[ORM\Column(name: 'password_hash')] private string $passwordHash; public function getId(): int { return $this->id; } public function getRole(): Role { return $this->role; } public function getPasswordHash(): string { return $this->passwordHash; } public function getUsername(): string { return $this->username; } }

User Repository

Sessions use the UserRepository to check if the user that is currently stored in the session is valid, so the findById method has to be implemented:

<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\DoctrineEntityManagerRepository; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\UserRepositoryInterface; #[Singleton(provides: UserRepositoryInterface::class)] readonly class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { public function __construct( private DoctrineEntityManagerRepository $doctrineEntityManagerRepository, ) {} public function findUserById(int|string $userId): ?UserInterface { return $this ->doctrineEntityManagerRepository ->withRepository(User::class, function ( EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, EntityRepository $entityRepository, ) use ($userId) { /** * @var null|UserInterface */ return $entityRepository->find($userId); }) ; } }

HTTP Responders

We are going to need a few HTTP Responders:

  1. GET /login - shows login form
  2. POST /login - validates authentication credentials
  3. GET /logout - shows logout form
  4. POST /logout - clears the session, removes authentication data

By design, each Responder handles just one HTTP route.

Route Symbols

Let's start with defining all the HTTP Route Symbols we will need. They can be thought of as a registry of route names:

<?php namespace App; use Distantmagic\Resonance\CastableEnumTrait; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpRouteSymbolInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\NameableEnumTrait; enum HttpRouteSymbol implements HttpRouteSymbolInterface { use CastableEnumTrait; use NameableEnumTrait; case Homepage; case LoginForm; case LoginValidation; case LogoutForm; case LogoutValidation; }

Login Form

This responder is going to return the login form template. If you want to learn more how TwigTemplate is converted into an HTML response, you can check the Interceptors documentation:

<?php namespace App\HttpResponder; use App\HttpRouteSymbol; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\RespondsToHttp; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpInterceptableInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\RequestMethod; use Distantmagic\Resonance\TwigTemplate; #[RespondsToHttp( method: RequestMethod::GET, pattern: '/login', routeSymbol: HttpRouteSymbol::LoginForm, )] function LoginForm(): HttpInterceptableInterface { return new TwigTemplate('auth/login_form.twig'); }
<form action="{{ route('LoginValidation') }}" method="post" > <input type="hidden" name="csrf" value="{{ csrf_token(request, 'login_form') }}" > <fieldset> <input autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="username" autofocus name="username" placeholder="Username" required type="text" > <p>{{ errors.get("username", null) }}</p> <input autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="current-password" name="password" placeholder="Password" required type="password" > <p>{{ errors.get("password", null) }}</p> </fieldset> <button> Login </button> </form>

Notice that we used the csrf_token function. It's a part of Twig extension bundled with Resonance. csrf_token stores a CSRF Protection token in the session. Resonance will validate that token after the user submits the form.

We do not return the errors variable yet, but we will reuse the same view in the Login Validation responder later, so we might as well put those there upfront. errors variable is a Ds\Map<string,string> (a Map with both keys and values as strings).


We will need to validate two things:

  1. Data submitted by the Login Form - to check if all the required fields are there. That is handled by the form Validation.
  2. After validating the Login Form data - we need to check if the username and password pair is valid.

First, let's define the UsernamePasword form model and validator.

Notice that the UsernamePassword is just a plain PHP object representing the validated form data. We also used the SensitiveParameter attribute, so the username and password won't appear in the application stack traces.

SensitiveParameter is a PHP built-in attribute.

<?php namespace App\InputValidatedData; use Distantmagic\Resonance\InputValidatedData; use SensitiveParameter; readonly class UsernamePassword extends InputValidatedData { public function __construct( #[SensitiveParameter] public string $username, #[SensitiveParameter] public string $password, ) {} }

We will use this input validator in the HTTP Responder. It uses constraints to validate the incoming data:

<?php namespace App\InputValidator; use App\InputValidatedData\UsernamePassword; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\InputValidator; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Constraint; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Constraint\ObjectConstraint; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Constraint\StringConstraint; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SingletonCollection; /** * @extends InputValidator<UsernamePassword, array{ * csrf: string, * username: string, * password: string, * }> */ #[Singleton(collection: SingletonCollection::InputValidator)] readonly class UsernamePasswordValidator extends InputValidator { public function castValidatedData(mixed $data): UsernamePassword { return new UsernamePassword($data['username'], $data['password']); } public function getConstraint(): Constraint { return new ObjectConstraint( properties: [ 'csrf' => (new StringConstraint())->optional(), 'username' => new StringConstraint(), 'password' => new StringConstraint(), ], ); } }

Authenticating Users

Let's create another HTTP Responder that responds to the POST /login request, validates the incoming data and authenticates the user.

#[ValidatesCSRFToken] is used to check the CSRF token.

It uses the #[ValidatedRequest] attribute to run the UsernamePasswordValidator over the HTTP Request's POST data.

Only if form data is valid, the handle method is executed, and the database is queried to check if a user with given credentials exists.

<?php namespace App\HttpResponder; use App\DoctrineEntity\User; use App\HttpRouteSymbol; use App\InputValidatedData\UsernamePassword; use App\InputValidator\UsernamePasswordValidator; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\RespondsToHttp; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ValidatedRequest; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ValidatesCSRFToken; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ValidationErrors; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ValidationErrorsHandler; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpControllerDependencies; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpInterceptableInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpResponder\HttpController; use Distantmagic\Resonance\InternalRedirect; use Distantmagic\Resonance\RequestMethod; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SessionAuthentication; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SingletonCollection; use Distantmagic\Resonance\TwigTemplate; use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository; use Ds\Map; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; #[RespondsToHttp( method: RequestMethod::POST, pattern: '/login', routeSymbol: HttpRouteSymbol::LoginValidation, )] #[Singleton(collection: SingletonCollection::HttpResponder)] #[ValidatesCSRFToken('login_form')] final readonly class LoginValidation extends HttpController { public function __construct( private HttpControllerDependencies $controllerDependencies, private SessionAuthentication $sessionAuthentication, ) { parent::__construct($controllerDependencies); } public function createResponse( ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, #[ValidatedRequest(UsernamePasswordValidator::class)] UsernamePassword $usernamePassword, #[DoctrineEntityRepository(User::class)] EntityRepository $users, ): HttpInterceptableInterface|ResponseInterface { /** * @var null|User */ $user = $users->findOneBy([ 'username' => $usernamePassword->username, ]); if (!$user || !password_verify($usernamePassword->password, $user->getPasswordHash())) { return $response->withStatus(403); } $this->sessionAuthentication->setAuthenticatedUser( $request, $response, $user->user, ); return new InternalRedirect(HttpRouteSymbol::Homepage); } }

After calling the setAuthenticatedUser method, the user will be stored in the current session.

Logging Out

We need two responders. The first one is to show the user the logout form:

<?php namespace App\HttpResponder; use App\HttpRouteSymbol; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\RespondsToHttp; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpInterceptableInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\RequestMethod; use Distantmagic\Resonance\TwigTemplate; #[RespondsToHttp( method: RequestMethod::GET, pattern: '/logout', routeSymbol: HttpRouteSymbol::LogoutForm, )] function LogoutForm(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): HttpInterceptableInterface { return new TwigTemplate('auth/logout_form.twig'); }
<form action="{{ route('LogoutValidation') }}" method="post" > <input name="csrf" type="hidden" value="{{ csrf_token(request, 'logout_form') }}" > <p>Do you want to logout?</p> <button>Logout</button> </form>

Then, we need a responder to handle the POST /logout request:

<?php namespace App\HttpResponder; use App\HttpRouteSymbol; use App\SiteAction; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\RespondsToHttp; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\Singleton; use Distantmagic\Resonance\Attribute\ValidatesCSRFToken; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpInterceptableInterface; use Distantmagic\Resonance\HttpResponder; use Distantmagic\Resonance\InternalRedirect; use Distantmagic\Resonance\RequestMethod; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SessionAuthentication; use Distantmagic\Resonance\SingletonCollection; use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface; #[RespondsToHttp( method: RequestMethod::POST, pattern: '/logout', routeSymbol: HttpRouteSymbol::LogoutValidation, )] #[Singleton(collection: SingletonCollection::HttpResponder)] #[ValidatesCSRFToken('logout_form')] final readonly class LogoutValidation extends HttpResponder { public function __construct( private SessionAuthentication $sessionAuthentication, ) {} public function respond(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response): HttpInterceptableInterface { $this->sessionAuthentication->clearAuthenticatedUser($request); return new InternalRedirect( $request, $response->header('clear-site-data', '*'); HttpRouteSymbol::Homepage, ); } }

Sending an additional clear-site-data header is optional. It prompts the browser to remove all the data associated with the currently visited website. It's a good practice to use that header as modern browsers will remove all the cookies, storage, caches, etc, that might still contain the current user-related data.


That is just a basic session authentication. Try expanding upon this concept and adding different authentication methods to your application.


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